i've disappeared from the blog-scene because i've not had much dependable internet access, but i'm now seeing from my email inbox that i've concerned people with my absence.
to offer a quick update, i've been working on a farm out in a village; digging, digging and digging. the farmers of africa have by far left me bowing to them on my knees. the intense demands of that physical labour, under the equatorial sun, to yield an agricultural output that will leave them hungry... it's not an easy life and despite my passion for healthcare, i am rethinking my beliefs about where development projects should be targeted. these people are so poor and so unable to access any services, that it doesn't matter what services are "available". i confused the hell out of all the farmers; a white, female, medical worker...nearly killing myself as i tried to keep up with them. if we could communicate more than two words, i would have explained how i was there to support them and willingly give up some of my unearned privilege as an act of support, but my luganda doesn't extend beyond birth words and street conversation.
anyhow, i leave with a sore back, an aching shoulder, a sunburn, an infection that is making my fingernails fall off, blisters on my hands and minor abrasions from the various beasts that attacked me in the fields. i also leave feeling really enlightened and proud of the small pieces of land that those guys won't have to dig. i have a growing concern that i don't live on a farm; i can't get enough of learning about gardening, animals, crops, sustainability...
now i'm at the ugandan-rwandan border, freaking out because my visa is two months past expiration and my flight out of nairobi is in 10 days. i have some charming to do to make sure that i get on buses and am able to get out of the country without a bribe that puts me in debt!
what a trip this has been indeed, my friends! i have never felt ready to finish my travels and come home, but guess what?!? this is it! i am totally looking forward to coming home, getting through a day without having my heartstrings nearly dislocated, and hunkering down to finish my last 8 months of school...that's right, 8 months until ms.anne-marie is a real midwife. yeeeeow!
wish me luck with my government official shmoozing, and if all goes well, i will be in touch when i get back to vancouver in the first week of september!!!